Our Vision
Tikkun Global has a twofold vision: To Israel and to the nations. We are a global family, contending for the Acts 1:8, Acts 2:17, and Acts 3:19-21 vision of revival and restoration from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the ends of the earth and back again to Israel. We seek to partner with believers from all over the world to this end. God's One New Man (Eph. 2:15), His Olive Tree (Rom. 11) is made up of Israel and the nations, and when we come together in Yeshua, blessing will follow (Ps. 133).​

To Israel
Build New Covenant Messianic communities in Israel.
Train local pastors and ministers.
Disciple new believers.
Share fellowship with other congregational leaders.
Serve the Tikkun Israel ministry network.
Assist other believers and congregations in any way possible.
Provide humanitarian aid to those in need, with Yeshua’s heart of compassion.
To the Nations
Support the testimony of love between Jews and Arabs through Yeshua.
Strive for reconciliation between the church Ecclesia and the Jewish people.
Train Christians to understand the Jewish roots of biblical faith.
Raise prayer support for Israel and for blessings to the nations.
Sponsor Alignment roundtable leadership conferences in Israel.
Host friends and partners as they come to visit the Holy Land.
Continue the great commission started by the first-century believers