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Image by Eran Menashri

A Messianic Biblical Worldview

Many of us Messianic Jews came to faith after being touched by the love of God through dear Christian friends.  That love was followed by a supernatural revelation of Yeshua and a personal spiritual transformation. We embraced the born-again experience, fully and radically.


We then came to a dilemma as to who we are as Jews. We saw that Yeshua and all the disciples were Jewish.  It only made sense that we also should maintain our identity as Jews, while we follow the Jewish Messiah.

There was also a dilemma with our families. We encountered a barrier of misunderstanding about our faith because of the troubled history of Christianity and Judaism.  However, according to the New Covenant, we were called to remain “as Jews to the Jews” – I Corinthians 9:19-20.   


There did not seem to be a Christian denomination that was appropriate for us.  We read in the book of Acts that the communities of the First Century disciples lived within their Jewish worldview and culture.  In an effort to follow their example, a movement of Messianic congregations grew up.


We found ourselves at a crossroads of history. Prophecies about Israel being scattered and regathered, Jerusalem restored, the times of the Gentiles, and a remnant of Jewish believers were all being fulfilled - Romans 11.  Our very existence seemed to raise end times’ expectations.   


There is a consistent message about the plan of God from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation.  This includes “the dual restoration of Israel and the Church,” which leads to the Kingdom of God on earth. The name Tikkun in Hebrew means “restoration” and reflects this wholistic biblical worldview.

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