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A ministry center for Tikkun Global in the heart of Jerusalem.

A very special project has quietly been underway here in Jerusalem for a few months now. We have anticipated the day that we could bring it to you, our partners, and that time has come! Over the last two years, our ministry center has been in the Havruta fellowship house, a small apartment in downtown Jerusalem.

Some of you have fellowshipped and worshipped with us in this place, and it has served us well, but thank God, our needs have outgrown it! Real estate in Jerusalem is very expensive. However, we have prayed, and an opportunity has arisen to buy property right in the center of the city. We want to invite you to partner with us for this expanded ministry center and prayer room.


Tikkun Global will create a multi-purpose center with classrooms, a meeting hall, and a studio. Here, we will be able to host friends from around the world, broadcast our teachings, and hold worship and prayer sessions.

Prayer Hall

Gathering Space 

We invite you to help establish this permanent home base in the heart of Jerusalem. Together, we are setting a stake in the ground for strategic kingdom alignment for Israel, the Church, and the end times.

GIVE to establish Tikkun’s home in the heart of the Eternal City. 

GOAL $1.6M


This amount reflects contribution commitments through 10/17/2024

For contributions toward this project, we kindly ask you to use Mail (if in the United States), bank transfers in the USA for tax-deductible receipts, or bank transfers to Israel (no US tax receipts provided). For all details, please click here.

Our hearts are thrilled with the fulfillment of these prayers! We hope you are stirred, too. 

And many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob; That He may teach us concerning His ways and that we may walk in His paths.” For the law will go forth from Zion And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

– Isaiah 2:3 

In Yeshua's Love,

The Tikkun Global Leadership Team

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