During peace time soldiers train, prepare and simulate battle... the object of their training. When war breaks out, they are called to the battlefield and engage. Their routine peacetime lifestyle is disrupted. In war mode they are in the field, alert, using physical and mental effort to overcome the obstacles at hand, and defeat the enemy.
In a similar way, we as believers are called to be prayer warriors - To stand in the gap, intercede and pray for God's will to be done; to foil the plans of the enemy, and overcome evil with good.
Since Oct. 7th a huge war has broken out. Israel is fighting a battle for its very existence that could develop into a global war of Ezekiel 38-39 scale. This is a universal clash between good and evil.
A spiritual war has also broken out. A shaking is happening. What is not firmly built upon the rock is breaking down. Sin is being exposed. Unity in the body is under attack. Faith is under attack. Basic family values are under attack. It is our obligation at this time to shift into battle mode. It is our responsibility, our duty. This is not business as usual.
Prayer directly affects the results of the battle. We need to be in intercession, as God leads us. We need to up our game. Things have changed. We must understand this and respond accordingly. We are now soldiers deployed. Peacetime training is over. This is the time to engage steadfastly in prayer intercession. This is the time to weep and fast. As a soldier in the night, we are to be alert and on call. Extend ourselves, less sleep, more effort. Times have changed.
Recently in the war in Gaza, some tragic events took place that have riveted the whole country. For example, in one skirmish with Hamas militants, several top-ranked officers from the Golani Brigade were killed. In another, a group of three hostages, who had managed to escape their captors, were killed by IDF forces misidentifying them as terrorists. Unfathomable.
From my understanding of life in Israel, I am convinced that these events could have been avoided by more prayer. Surely many similar events are being prevented by the intercession already taking place, but there is more to be done. I am saying this as someone who has spent over two decades involved with the IDF both as a combat officer and as a defense contractor. This is not a short sprint but a marathon.
Prayer influences. Prayer mobilizes angels, affects the situation, and changes history. I am reminded of the story of Reese Howells "Intercessor" and the influence on World War II. I want to call us to focus in prayer and encourage us that our prayers will be answered.
Let's be alert to God's specific guidance in several main topics:
God's name to be glorified through this War; that it will be clearly and miraculously seen that it is His victory; that many will turn to Him during this time and give Him glory.
Division and confusion in the enemies' camp; surrender of Hamas as in times of ancient Israel; division between Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.
Massive release of hostages.
Divine protection of IDF soldiers, including the many Messianic believers serving; avoidance of tragic mishaps.
Protection for uninvolved civilians in Gaza, especially the few Christian Arabs living there; avoidance of tragic mishaps.
Unity, holiness, health, and love to abound in the body of Messiah.
This letter is not a call for donations, solicitations, likes or follows. This is a call to wake up, shift modes of operation. Times have changed. Business is not as usual. This is a time that without prayer, mishaps, even disasters will happen. Damage will be done. It is our calling, responsibility, and duty to be holy, more intimate with God, and INTERCEDE. If we do, victory is at hand.