The “Nesher project”, or in English, “The Eagle Project”, was created with a goal to serve young people who have completed their service in the Israeli Defense Forces. But, “Nesher” is not limited by Israeli borders, this program is designed to build bridges between young believers from different countries, helping young people to learn the Jewish roots of faith, and to walk together with Yeshua the Messiah.
The Asian Eagle project was born recently, after a group of Israeli youths visited the Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese congregations, then the young people from these countries were also invited to come to Israel and, of course, the fellowship began with a joint service of praise, worshiping the Lord.
On October 11th, young people from different countries and denominations prayed at “Return to Zion” congregation glorifying Him in different languages. The youth are having seminars and trips around the country, let us support them with our prayers.