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Writer's pictureSarah Gerloff

Called to the Frontlines

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Many of our loved ones have been called up to serve the Israel Defense Force (IDF) as reservists. They have been sent to Gaza, the northern border or elsewhere in the country to bolster the standing army. As a wife and sister to these brave ones risking their lives, I believe we are ALL called to the frontlines of the spiritual battle. Not one soldier that I know is glad to be in this war; we didn’t look for it or want it. But the duty has fallen to them in this hour to fight forces of evil and death on the ground, and our place is to back them on the spiritual battleground. Just as in Israel’s ancient battle against Amalek:

“…when Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.” (Exodus 17:11)

Let’s raise our hands for the spiritual victory against forces like Amalek, to be manifested on the ground through the IDF”s physical victory.

There are more Messianic soldiers in the IDF today than ever before – between hundreds to a thousand. Each one of them carries Yeshua with them into the darkness. Here are a few prayer points for them:

  1. To be a purifying critical mass, affecting the entire army: For if the first-fruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.” (Romans 11:16) This isn’t glorifying the IDF or justifying its every action. For sure, every soldier (just like us) is an imperfect human who makes mistakes, and war is a messy, complicated thing, sometimes with no “right” option. However, we can pray for the Holy Spirit to use the “yeast” of these believers to affect and purify all the wider decisions made by the army.

  2. For the kingdom of God to come in every place touched by the sole of their foot, the wheel of their jeep or the treads of their tanks: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given to you.” (Joshua 1:3)

  3. For physical, spiritual, and emotional protection, including mental healing from war-related trauma. For He will command His angels over you, to keep you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91:11)

  4. For wisdom and alertness: After over a month, many are weary and need refreshment, mentally and physically. Many have not had the opportunity to grieve and process their losses. Pray for them to be led by the Holy Spirit even in tiredness and under stress, and for their faith to be renewed and strong. Not only in the IDF, but also the government needs wisdom from heaven for military strategy and long term solutions.

  5. For success and victory: As in the battles of ancient Israel, for the Lord of Hosts and angelic armies to go before us and win the victory. This is NOT war between Arabs and Jews, or Israel and Gaza. This is a war between light and darkness, forces of evil and death; and we want to join Yeshua’s side as the commander of the armies of the Lord (Joshua 5:14). Let’s pray for a quick, effective victory that saves as many lives as possible, and overcomes Islamic jihadism, for the Middle East and the whole world.

  6. For a heart of mercy in the midst of judgement: In wrath remember mercy.” (Hab. 3:2) When the Lord used nations to punish other nations, He judged them for the degree they misused His authority and acted out of anger or revenge. Let’s pray for a heart of love and compassion, especially for those directly interacting with the other side, that they would reflect the Lord’s heart and bring the Gospel.

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