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Close to Completing Purchase!

Writer's picture: TGTG

We continue to be amazed at the provision of the Lord to purchase a home for Tikkun Global in the heart of Jerusalem! From all over the globe, so many of you have joined your hearts and offerings to see “faith become sight” for this space.

The Next Few Weeks Are Crucial

We delivered the down payment, and the date for the final payment of the real estate purchase is set for October 4th!Considering the purchase price, plus tax and fees, a payment completing the purchase price of $1,240,495.83 will be due on that date. $948,588.30 has already been generously given!

$292,993.42 more is needed to complete this purchase and ensure that Tikkun Global will OWN this Jerusalem property outright!Please prayerfully join the generosity of the Tikkun Global family and bring your offering if your heart is stirred.

Help Close The Gap

Once renovations are complete, this multi-purpose ministry center and prayer room will serve as classrooms, a meeting hall, and a media studio. We look forward to hosting many of you when you come! Other local ministries will also be able to use this space, which will fill us with joy.

Your participation in establishing this permanent, more extensive ministry center and prayer room home for Tikkun Global may be part of your dream to leave a personal legacy for you and your family in the heart of the Eternal City. We invite you to join us if you still desire an opportunity to contribute.  

GIVE to the Purchase of Tikkun Global’s Jerusalem Home

Together, we are setting a stake in the ground. Jerusalem is the Eternal City of Yeshua. He has walked these roads, and He will walk them again. Until then, we joyfully live, work, and worship in His earthly home, longing for His return. 

You are waiting with us, part of our family and part of this place. 

With gratitude for you from Jerusalem,

The Tikkun Global Leadership Team

P.S. $291,907.53 is needed to complete this purchase! Renovations will come in Phase Two.

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