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Cold Weather Brings Youth Together

Writer: TGTG

Cold and rainy. That’s the weather that came with the Hanukah Katzir – Harvest Youth Camp, which took place December 7-9 in the beautiful Golan Heights. In a weird way, the weather actually helped the camp have a feeling of togetherness, with everyone being relegated to indoor activities much of the time. In addition we did also have two very fun outings – going bowling with the whole camp, and visiting an old weapons depot in a kibbutz that was kept secret for over 50 years, from the time of the first settlers in Israel! During the three days together, we enjoyed extended times of worship in the presence of God, teaching from local Leaders, fellowship and fun. We had daily small group meetings to study the word together, discussions, and meditation on the Word of God.

Healing from Hatred

The camp was focused around the theme of Truth – what is truth and where do you find it. Our speakers touched on different aspects of truth, what defines it, where to find it, how the enemy lies, and how to put these understandings into daily practice. Teens responded powerfully. During the second evening, one of our leaders shared his testimony about being delivered from hatred towards his father. The next day, one of the teens in the camp came to the stage to share how this testimony spoke to him. One of our small group leaders prayed over him, and the Lord brought healing and deliverance to his heart from deep anger and hatred towards his own father. Another young woman came to one of our leaders and asked for help with this subject, because her hatred is so strong for her father she doesn’t even feel like she can turn to God with it.

Changing the Trajectory of Young Lives

First-time camp counselors shared how they were deeply touched during the camp, and by serving the youth. Teens talked about coming to the camp discouraged, and being encouraged and strengthened. We saw God move during the small group discussions each day. Camp counselors repeatedly said they could have kept going longer in the small groups because the teens were engaged. Some of the teens are continuing to write their counselors asking questions, requesting prayer or counsel. Please continue to pray for the youth who attended the camp, for God to guard what He did in their hearts – the healing and deliverance, the personal encounters with the Holy Spirit, the quiet moments that can change the trajectory of a young person’s life. These young ones are precious in his sight.

We are so grateful for the young-adult counselors who come on a volunteer basis each camp to help serve the next generation. Please pray for blessing over the camp counselors. They are the most important part of pulling off these camps. Without them we could not do what we do. They include university students, newly-weds, others recently released from the military or still serving.

Thank you for your prayers for this camp, and concerted prayer our next one – during Passover in April 2019.

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