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Writer's pictureAsher Intrater

Death And Resurrection in All Things

The Scriptures were written by different men all inspired by the Holy Spirit. Thus there are different styles to each book yet the same underlying theme. They address different historical situations in their generations, but all point to the same eternal plan.

The central figure of the entire Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, is Yeshua (Jesus), the son of God and the son of David (Romans 1:3-4) Yeshua is revealed in the Law and Prophets as the Angel YHVH, and in the gospels as the Messiah.

The central event of the Scriptures is Yeshua’s death and resurrection. This event is foreshadowed in the Law and Prophets, and comes to pass in the gospels. Yeshua’s death and resurrection was planned and pre-destined before the creation of the world (Revelation 13:8, I Peter 1:20)

Everything in nature and history reflects the theme of death and resurrection.

  • Astronomy – The cycle of the moon lasts one month, in which the moon seems to die and come back to life. The Hebrew word for moon (chodesh) is the same root as the word for new (chadash). The sun sets every day; the sky turns black, and then comes back to light every morning.

  • Agriculture – All plant life grows by having a seed fall into the ground and die; then it comes back to life to bear more fruit. All of nature suffers now but will be liberated and restored in the kingdom of God (Romans 8:19-22). The food we eat, when it is an animal product, demands that a living animal had to sacrifice its life so that we can continue to live (Genesis 3:21).

  • Arts – In movies, literature, painting and all creative arts, we find the theme of the hero being willing to give up his life to save the innocent and then making an exciting come back. Jewish artist, Marc Chagall, did a series of paintings comparing the crucifixion to the Holocaust. Rick Wienecke’s sculpture series, “Fountain of Tears” depicts the same comparison ( Even the witchcraft series, Harry Potter, has the hero sacrificing his life to save his friends at King’s Cross, and then being resurrected from the dead.

  • Physical Body – God designed our body to lie down in darkness without moving for a number of hours every night and then rise up again at dawn, as if coming back to life. The first prayer of religious Jews every morning compares waking up to resurrection.

  • Spiritual Life – Every born-again Christian knows that the source of his new birth and spiritual life is to identify himself with the crucifixion of Yeshua (Galatians 2:20). In water immersion, the ceremony symbolizes being buried and resurrected (Romans 6:4). Our ministry to the Lord usually experiences what is called “the death and re-birth of a vision.”

  • Levitical Priesthood – The priests in the Temple offered every day animal sacrifices in which the animal is a symbol of the Messiah dying as atonement for our sins, and then rising from the dead (Leviticus 16).

  • Israel History – The nation of Israel passes through destruction, exile, re-gathering and restoration – both in biblical and modern history. The exile of the Jewish people is compared to a death experience(Lamentations), and the restoration of the nation to a resurrection (Ezekiel 37).

The parallel of the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua to the destruction and restoration of Israel is a key to understanding the mysteries of the kingdom of God. The pattern of death and renewal in nature helps us to understand God’s creation.

Many of the heroes of the Scripture passed through experiences of death and resurrection. Isaac was tied on an altar and virtually offered up as a sacrifice by his father. Joseph was symbolically killed by his brothers, thrown into a pit and dungeon, and eventually rose to rule the nation. Samson went through a crucifixion experience. Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den and then came back up the next morning. Jonah virtually died in the belly of the fish and then came back to life.

Death and resurrection is a consistent theme throughout the Law, Prophets and New Covenant, and helps us to understand the plan of Scriptures from beginning to end.


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