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Writer's pictureAsher Intrater

Global Alignment of Passover and Last Supper

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

For years, God has been bringing us together into oneness as a Global family of faith with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. We receive this vision from Yeshua’s prayer in John 17, that we would all be one in God’s love. We are experiencing the reality of the international ecclesia. It is a fellowship of faith, a koinonia and communion, that is growing exponentially both in quality and quantity, as our love for one another deepens.


We are also entering into a strategic alignment with covenantal relationships between Jews, Arabs and people from every nation and ethnic group.  Such an array of global relationships could not have happened previously at any point in history.


We are now seeking to put this international fellowship in line with order of God’s historical covenants, biblical calendar, and prophetic patterns. However, whenever we speak of Jewish roots, global alignment, holy days and so on, we must be careful, because one can easily get out of balance. Mistakes can be made on either side: trying to be too “Jewish” in our cultural orientation, or by rejecting the biblical significance in the Jewish feasts and symbols.


When we line up our Global communion with God’s covenant pattern, I believe there will be a release of great spiritual power. The correct alignment demands that we maintain the right balance.

Center horizontal line – global family, international communion, a line that goes out across the whole world.


The place where the international communion and the Passover season intersect, is in the Last Supper. Was the Last Supper a communion service or a Passover seder? It was both! The Jewish community and the Christian community split – one went to communion, one went to a seder, and it lacks the combined power.

To put them together, the link pin is in the Last Supper – it is both totally a Jewish Passover, and totally a Christian Communion. It’s very important not to not miss this link pin between the international Ecclesia communion and the Passover covenant meal: the Last Supper of Yeshua and His disciples.


The Passover and the Communion come together in the Last Supper. The two become one, while maintaining their own identities. We desire to reconnect Passover and Communion after 2,000 years of separation. The Last Supper is the intersection. Understanding the Last Supper brings Communion and Passover into alignment.


We are not saying that Christians around the world must keep a fully Jewish Passover seder. However, we are saying the Passover is the origin and foundation of international Christian communion. We are asking Christians to re-align communion to its covenantal foundations in the Passover by understanding the Last Supper in its right context.


For the Jewish world, we are saying that the Passover finds its fulfillment in the Last Supper. The symbols of the Passover lamb, cups of wine, matzah, and so on – all have their full significance in Yeshua the Messiah. Without Yeshua, the Passover symbols lack their prophetic meaning.


The Last Supper is the fulfillment of Passover; and the Last Supper is the foundation of Communion. They have been split for 2,000 years. Now as the International Ecclesia, including Messianic Jews and Christians Arabs, we have an opportunity to pull these two great elements back together.


This is not just an issue of Christians going backwards in history to understand the Passover. When we understand our past, we can see where we are going in the future. It’s like a bow and arrow – pulling backwards is what aims and propels to shoot forward.


Communion is a supernatural spiritual experience. But when taken without its covenantal roots, it has no prophetic direction. When communion is lined up with Passover through the Last Supper, a vector is formed. Passover to Last Supper to Communion form coordinates on a line which points in a direction.

The meaning of Passover is past, present, and future. Even the Rabbis teach that the celebration of Passover in not just to remember the past of Pharaoh and the Pyramids; it is to look forward to the fuller national redemption at the coming of Messiah. It contains the future kingdom of Messiah.


Lining up the Christian Communion with its covenant origins in the Jewish Passover gets us ready for the events of the End Times.  The Exodus story contains elements teaching us about the second coming of Yeshua.


Passover had two parts: first, salvation by the blood of the Lamb, and then military victory at the Red Sea. Personal atonement was fulfilled at the first coming of Yeshua, total redemption will be fulfilled at the second. Lining up with God’s pattern points us in the right direction and prepares us the end times and the coming of Yeshua’s kingdom.


The mixed multitude that came out of Egypt (Exodus 12:38) was the very purpose of God from the beginning – He is looking for a group of people. That mixed multitude will ultimately become the great multitude that no one can count (Revelation 7:9). God desires a “special people” and a royal priesthood (Exodus 19:5-6, I Peter 2:5, Revelation 1:6; 5:10) from every nation, tongue, and tribe.


Jews, Arabs, and every ethnic group are included in that “special people.” Every individual person and every ethnic group have an equal place in the family of God. As the international Ecclesia comes together in right alignment, there should be a tremendous release of power. God’s glorious purposes for all his children together will be revealed.


The Jews and the Arabs are the descendants of Abraham. They were the first two parts of the family of God, and in some ways become the last two parts to be restored. When these last two pieces – Arab and Jew – fall into place in the global family, the picture puzzle is complete.


Jews and Arabs were enemies in the Passover story. At communion, Jews and Arabs are reconciled by the blood of the Lamb, Yeshua. Now we can be partners, not enemies. The communion of the international ecclesia is rightly aligned when it is connected to the Passover by the Last Supper. The global family comes to its fulness when Jews and Arabs come into covenant partnership.


We believe these relationships, when joined together and rightly aligned, will release a great synergy of spiritual revival.

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