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I want the BLESSING!

Ahavat Yeshua


I know an extremely wealthy believer. His success is incredible! He didn’t go to college. Suffering from dyslexia, he finished high school still unable to read effectively. He was bullied and persecuted as a child with many traumatic moments. He needed friends to help him in his first job because he couldn’t write the required lists. But he still succeeded hugely. How?

My wealthy friend has been blessed. This is how he succeeded. The blessing of God though intangible in our realm, brought tangible success. I believe that as he struggled to read and get a job and persevered through trauma… that brought about a transformation of his heart, that God chose to bless. Because he was blessed, success followed. The blessing of God is the heart of the matter.

Let’s go back 4,000 years ago to another man who received the blessing – Jacob. He had problems with cheating and being overly competitive. To me, Jacob would NOT be someone with whom to partner. He was a mess. He couldn’t have been less suited even if he was a dyslexic, illiterate, and traumatized kid trying to make a living in business! Fast forward almost twenty years and Jacob had become a father and very wealthy man, with flocks stretching across the horizon. Jacob was successful! Again, How?

Firstly, when Jacob fled from Esau as a young man, he fell asleep. In a dream that was far more than a dream, Jacob saw into the spiritual realm. He learned that there is a spiritual world surrounding us that are generally unaware of. Jacob saw angels of God ascending and descending from heaven and a figure who said, “I am the LORD, God of your father, Abraham, and the God of Isaac.” In an instant, Jacob’s entire selfish life-orientation changed. He saw God and His word as deeper truth and meaning to life than the rat race of competition to “get ahead.”

The second transformational moment occurred after almost twenty years, as Jacob traveled with his entire household back to the land of his fathers. On the eve of the dreaded meeting with his twin Esau, there was trepidation in Jacob’s heart. Esau had become mighty in military strength and Jacob knew that he and his household could all be slaughtered in revenge.

The sun set and Jacob found himself alone with his fears. Suddenly a familiar figure came out of nowhere and began to wrestle with him. The two struggled all night and as the first rays of sun broke the darkness, the figure said, “Release me, for it is dawn.” But Jacob was not swayed. He continued to wrestle with God, not releasing Him but rather demanding, I will not release you unless you bless me!” God blessed Jacob. An intangible but extremely vital transfer from the spiritual realm into Jacob’s life was made. It’s called “the blessing!”

You may be struggling and wrestling with the Lord through some issues, through some fears, through some trauma. That’s okay. Don’t let go until you work through them and get the blessing of the Lord. Don’t give up. Keep pressing in, keep praying, keep waiting expectantly. Keep asking, keep believing in the promises He spoke and holding them before Him. He will transform you. He will perform what he spoke. He will finish what he began. If we see into the spiritual realm, we’ll realize all the success of this world is nothing compared to receiving the blessing of God. 

Which do you want? I want THE BLESSING!


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