Revive Israel
Yad Hashmonah, Israel

Youth discipleship week for youth from Southern Israel
Thank you for bringing our recent youth discipleship program before the throne of grace.
We are at a pivotal time when the people of Israel are seeking emotional, physical, and spiritual relief, restoration, and rebuilding. And, while we seek the Lord’s guidance for discipleship training, we never know how He is going to work. “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
Most of the teenagers that participated in the program came from towns in southern Israel which have been under rocket fire from Hamas and Gaza for years. When they left our community after a very full week of fellowship with God and with each other, we were in awe of how God moved. He exceeded our expectations. We’ll let them share with you through their testimonies and experiences:
“I appreciated the approach of learning about God and then immediately putting what we discussed into practice... The Word came alive and began working in my heart. Before coming, I felt somewhat distant from God; and this week, I returned to Him and began to draw closer to Him.” – Yosef, 18 from Beersheba
“Being homeschooled… I don't have many believing friends. This week provided me with the opportunity to meet new people, and I'm grateful for the friendships I formed. As a result of the program, I've decided to actively seek opportunities to deepen my faith and build connections with believers. Despite my initial hesitation, God met me in a special way, and each day, I found myself wanting to invest more time in the program rather than distance myself.” – Ruth, 13 from Abu Ghosh
“Thanks to the time I spent with the community, my trust in people was restored… One morning during the worship time... I was tired, and negative thoughts began running through my head. One of the leaders came and prayed over me, speaking exactly what was in head without her knowing anything. It was there I understood that God knows my heart. He sent her to show me who I truly am. It touched my heart and began a transformation. I started to be kinder to others after this moment.” – Adiel, 15 from Beersheba
"Through the program, I realized that there are various ways to learn about God. While I used to prefer discussions over lectures, I found Youval’s teaching thought-provoking and despite the limited discussion, I gained valuable insights from it." – Yaron, 15 from Ashkelon
“Throughout the program, I gained a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and how to live as a believer and grow closer to God. I also realized how much the people around me influence my life, both the negative and positive influences. I considered how much weight I give to their words in my life, and decided to distance myself from those who are negatively influencing my life.” – Isaac, 16 from Ashkelon
"I've gained a new appreciation for everything in my life, learning not to take things for granted. Life has its share of ups and downs, but I've learned the importance of gratitude, and the benefits of waking up early and spending time outdoors in nature. I'm motivated to continue waking up early and engaging in morning scripture reading." – Dana, 15 from Beersheba
These testimonies are the fruit of your support and prayers. Thank you for the opportunity you gave to these teens!