The 10 Commandments are the moral foundation for any righteous civilization. They are universal, eternal, absolute. Without them human society will collapse. In today’s global broadcast Asher dives into a new series on Judeo-Christian values and why we need to return to a basic understanding of God’s law while living in a post moral society.
God gave the 10 commandments through Moses on Mount Sinai. (Exodus 20, 24, 32, 34). Yeshua then explained the application of the law in our hearts on the Mount of Beatitudes. (Matthew 5-7). Yeshua then paid the price of our breaking the Law on Mount Golgotha. (Matthew 27, Luke 23).
God sets the moral standards and then provides the tools necessary for us to make the right choices. Having the ability to choose means there are consequences to our choices. Free will demands moral accountability. We will all be judged. Knowing that judgment is at hand creates the fear of God in us. That fear of God leads us to the need to repent and to be forgiven of sin. Where the Law ends up, the gospel of Yeshua begins.
Morality is not subjective, it is defined by God Himself. If you take the moral foundation away, the message of salvation lacks its biblical context. Without Divine law moral chaos ensues, the kind of chaos and confusion that is found in society today.
JOIN us as we go back to the basics and reflect on Judeo-Christian values and why we need to be tethered to both to really live in the law of love (Romans 13:10).
God loves us (John 3:16)
We love Him (Deut 6:5)
Love one another (Lev 19:18)