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Writer's pictureAsher Intrater

Netanyahu's "Blessing and Curse" Challenge

Updated: Oct 3

Tikkun Global Jerusalem

In Prime Minister Netanyahu's recent speeches at the U. N. and on short videos in Hebrew and English, there are several viewpoints describing the ongoing conflict in the Middle East that are worth reviewing and explaining: 

  1. Peace – Israel's desire is for peace. Portraying Israel as the war monger is the opposite of the truth. It is Hamas, Hezbollah and the Ayatollahs who planned and started the attacks; they are preventing peace. It is also simple logic: Israel couldn't possibly want a war on 7 battlefronts as we are in now. It has been forced upon us. 

  2. Truth – Seeking and speaking truth is essential. There are so many lies being spread about Israel. There are complete reversals of the facts and a reconstruction of history to fit an anti-Israel narrative. Many do not even care about the truth, facts or history, because they are consumed with advancing their narratives.  

  3. Blessing and Curse – There is a positive possibility for the Middle East and a negative one. This is called "blessing and curse" in the Bible, and Netanyahu was quoting the Torah portion from Deuteronomy that describes it. The passage also demands us to choose. There is a basic moral choice facing the nations of the world today because of the conflict in the Middle East 

  4. Normalization or Jihad – The basic choice is either compromising with the Jihadist extremists or continuing normalization with the moderate Arab nations surrounding Israel. If the Jihadists are removed, normalization will happen easily. If the Jihadists are allowed to remain, there will never be normalization.  

  5. Hostage return – After all this time the hostages in Gaza have still not been returned. For one year following the monstrous murder, rape, and destruction of the October 7th invasion of Israel by Hamas, the hostages held underground in hellish conditions are still there. This part of the war is holy for Israel because of our respect for life. There is no discussion. They must be returned.  

  6. Seven-front War – This war is not between Israel and Gaza. It is an unprovoked invasion from the Ayatollah-backed terrorists in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Gaza, West Bank, and Iran. It has been planned for two decades with weapons buildup, military infrastructure, tunnels, rockets in homes, hospitals, schools, and humanitarian centers; and radical anti-Semitic propaganda. 

  7. Victory – Despite these impossible odds, Israel is not only surviving but winning. Israel cannot afford a victim or passive mentality. We are being forced into a pro-active victorious attitude. This victim-to-victor transition is a history-changing moment for the Middle East.  The "Lion of Judah" is awakening from slumber.  

  8. Prosperity – If Jihadism can be defeated, then normalization will come. If normalization comes, there will be not only peace but prosperity. The cooperation of Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Abraham Accord nations in transportation, trade, communications, oil, gas, tourism, water, agriculture, AI, etc. would release unprecedented financial wealth to the area. 

  9. Iranian Nuclear Power – While there are jihadist extremists in many nations, only in Iran did a jihadist party succeed in taking control of the government in the 1979 revolution. Should the Ayatollah government obtain a nuclear weapon, it would become an existential danger to the region. It must be stopped. 

  10. Defeating Hamas – Hamas built a terrorist machine of 40,000 commandos, 600 kilometers of tunnels, 15,000 rockets. Almost all those forces have been destroyed. If Hamas surrenders and returns the hostages, the war would be over immediately. 

  11. Defeating Hezbollah – They were the leading terrorist group in the world, killing first Americans, French, Syrians and their own people. This year alone they shot over 8,000 rockets into Israel. They ruined the once beautiful Christian nation of Lebanon. However, Nasrallah and their entire command has been removed. They must be totally destroyed for peace to come to Israel and Lebanon.  

  12. Resolution 1701 – Trying to negotiate a compromise with Hezbollah would only prolong war for another generation. There already was a peace agreement in which Hezbollah would withdraw all forces north of the Litany River. Under the cover of UNIFIL, they brazenly broke all agreements.  

  13. Demilitarization\Deradicalization – Israel is not looking to resettle Gaza (after removing all 8,600 Jewish residents in the Disengagement of 2005). We are open to a cooperative civilian government in Gaza, on the double condition of removing weapons and stopping jihadist radical education. Otherwise, another war would be under way. 

  14. Resettling Evacuees – Some 130,000 Israelis have been evacuated from their homes because of the unprovoked rocket attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah. No other nation in the world would permit such a situation. They must be returned in safety and security. That is our only demand. What would it take to ensure that safety and security?  That is the only tactical issue. 

  15. UN Moral Bankruptcy – Automatic majority of anti-Zionist votes in the UN means that any proposal, no matter how absurd, will be passed. In the past year, 174 condemnations against Israel were passed, with only 73 condemnations of ALL the other nations in the world together. Israel is the only functioning liberal democratic nation in the entire Middle East. The hypocrisy is contemptible. 

  16. Moral Confusion – Referencing Isaiah chapter 5, Netanyahu said that good is being called evil and evil good. Israel is accused of genocide when it is protecting itself against those who want to commit genocide against us. Israel is standing for good, the jihadists for evil. Make no confusion about it. 

  17. Food Supplies – One example is the accusation that Israel wants to starve the Gazans. Israel has let in over 700,000 TONS of food supplies this year to Gaza while they were attacking us. Hamas hijacked the supply trucks and extorted their own people with the supplies. 

  18. Killing Civilians – It is fair to say that Israel in this war has taken more effort to protect uninvolved citizens than any army in history. Hamas and Hezbollah do the exact opposite: targeting civilians and using their own citizens as human shields by placing their weapons from homes.  

  19. Ancient Occupation – Israel conquered Canaan over 3,000 years ago. Solomon and David built an empire with its capital in Jerusalem. This is proven by archaeological findings and Biblical texts. The New Testament, 2,000 years ago, records Jews living all over the land but no Palestinians. The land was conquered by the Muslim Rashidun empire in 640 AD and the Ottoman empire in 1517 AD.   

  20. Modern Resettlement - The land lay barren until the end of the 19th century when both Jews and Arabs began to repopulate the area. There are 22 Arab nations surrounding Israel amid 49 Muslim nations. Even the Quran recognizes ancient Israelite possession (Sura 5). Israel is the one Jewish and democratic nation in the Middle East. That is the proportionality: 1-22-49.  

This week, the IDF crossed into southern Lebanon to clear out the Hezbollah military infrastructure along our border. The quantity of weapons both in homes and in underground tunnels is enormous. Maps and instructions were found for a total invasion and conquest of northern Israel and the Galilee area.  

As I wrote this, we had to run to our sealed room as Iran shot 181 missiles into Israel. Not one person was killed. It is only by the grace of God that we are miraculously turning back all these forces aimed at Israel's annihilation. Please keep praying.  

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