Many of the prophetic books have a certain pattern to them. In the first half of the book the writer prophesies about historic events in their lifetime. In the second half the prophecies transition to more universal future dimension. History repeats itself. We have to learn what happened historically in order to understand what will happen in our generation.
The plan of evil chronicled in Esther hasn’t changed much—kill all the people of God. Haman wanted to kill all the Jews because he hated Mordechai. He didn’t really care about the Jews, he just wanted to kill his family in a fit of revenge and jealousy. Mordechai is an image of Messiah Yeshua. Haman is an image of Satan who hates Yeshua and wants to stop His kingdom from coming to the earth.
The war in Israel is not primarily about Gaza. Hamas calls the war “The Al Aqsa Flood”. Their plan is to flood Israel, kill all the Jews, take the Temple Mount, declare an Islamic state and begin to rule the world. They mean what they say. History is moving toward that flood, and we need to get ready for it.
Let's understand the spiritual war that’s going on around us.
Let's become more like Mordecai and Esther; standing in faith and intercession.
Let's see the situation change from defeat to victory; a divine reversal.
This is what happened in the time of the Purim story. Let's pray and fast for a breakthrough at Purim time this month.
Despite all the odds against us, let's believe for this global disaster to turn miraculously into a global victory for the Kingdom of God. This is the time to stand, to fight, to believe.
WATCH TODAY as Asher challenges us to embrace this key moment in history!