On Israel-American Cooperation

In his recent speech to the joint houses of Congress, Netanyahu made several statements that reflected a worldview of Israel, the USA, and the Middle East. There were key policy or philosophical statements that many may not have grasped their significance. Here are some:
Barbarism versus Civilization – history may be seen as a series of clashes between opposing civilizations. However, when dealing with Islamic extremism, terrorism, and global Jihadism, it would be wrong to see a clash between relatively equal civilizations. This is anti-civilization. This is evil barbarism.
Bipartisan – Netanyahu often thanked both President Biden and former President Trump. In fact, he mentioned Biden more often. He also mentioned both Democrats and Republicans. The assumption is that Netanyahu personally would prefer a Republican-Trump administration. That is likely true. However, the emphasis in looking to the future must be bipartisan in both Israel and the USA, with widespread cooperation, as much as possible.
Multi-ethnic - Bedouins, Druze, Muslims, and Christians – all these different subsections in Israeli society fought as soldiers along with the majority Jewish population to fight Hamas. This multi-ethnic participation is essential to show that Israel is not "anti-Arab"; that Israel is democratic, with equal rights for all its citizens. These "non-Jewish" groups recognize the danger of Jihadism and are willing to fight against it.
Lions of Judah – Netanyahu introduced several Israeli soldier heroes. Then he quoted from Numbers 23:24 – the people will rise like a roaring lion and be lifted up like a lion. Quoting the Bible in this way is to restore an image of the Israeli people as courageous and heroic, particularly the soldiers. It is appealing to the biblical narrative, not only as ethos, but to encourage the Christian community in America to have a restored sense of bravery and purpose.
Never Again – was of course the slogan of post-Holocaust Europe, not to allow genocide of the Jews to happen again. To say, "Never again is Now!" raises the urgency of the situation. The war is not about local politics but an existential threat to the Jewish state from pan-Jihadsim.
Moral Clarity – War is not won first on armaments but on being clear on values of what is right and wrong, good and evil. There is no moral equivalency with terrorists murdering, raping men and women, killing parents and children before one another's eyes, burning and mutilating bodies, etc. Terrorism must be eradicated.
Hostages – Noah Argamani was presented to Congress with a long, standing ovation. Her presence was to exemplify the reality and pathos of the horrible abduction, torture, and holding of innocent Israeli citizens.
Burning USA flags – In 1979, the Ayatollah regime took over Iran. Their first act was to attack the USA embassy. For these 45 years, their demonstrations have burnt both Israeli flags and US flags. This shows the intent of Ayatollism to destroy America and Israel.
Khumeini Doctrine – Ayatollah Khumeini was the leader of the takeover in 1979. His vision was first to build a national base in Iran for Islamicist Shiite extremism, and then export it all over the world. The current war in Gaza is not about Gaza itself, but the ongoing effort of the Iranian regime for an Islamicist world takeover. Iran is behind most of the terrorism in the Middle East today.
Patriarchs and Prophets – Netanyahu stated the obvious fact of the 4000-year history of the Jewish people in Israel. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob settled there; Kings David and Solomon built a mighty empire there; Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied there. This view is appealing both to historical accuracy and to biblical heritage.
Hatred of Jewish state – classic antisemitism is a hatred of the Jewish people. Since the re-establishment of the state of Israel, that hatred of the Jewish people has now evolved into hatred of the Jewish state. Hatred of the Jewish state is the new form of antisemitism.
Human Shields – The accusation that Israel is trying to kill innocent Gazans is the opposite of the truth. Israel is doing everything to get Gazans out of harm's way, while Hamas is doing everything to get Gazans into harm's way. Their openly declared strategy of using innocent citizens as human shields shows that discrediting Israel is a higher value than the life of their own citizens.
Useful Idiots – this is term describes the bizarre phenomenon of academicians or radical leftist activists to endorse Islamic extremism that is totally against everything they believe in. Gays protesting for Islamic regimes who would execute them immediately and publicly. Endorsing slogans like "from the river to the sea" which is an absurd claim, geographically and historically. Here Netanyahu mentioned that he is a graduate of prestigious MIT in Boston.
USA and Israel unity – Israel and USA must stand together. Together they will stand; divided they will fall. "Our fight is your fight, our enemies are your enemies, our victory will be your victory." Israel's willingness to fight Islamic extremism in the Middle East is keeping American "boots" (live soldiers) from having to fight in the area.
War against America – The Ayatollah regime has consistently called for "Death to America, Death to Israel." This is their intention. Americans must realize that the war is also against them. "You are next." There is no way for Americans to disassociate themselves from the conflict or think that they are not being targeted.
America's ally – Israel is the only loyal friend and ally of the USA in the Middle East. Israel is proud to stand together with America. Israel is protecting America and all Western interests.
Give us the tools – referencing Churchill in WWII, Netanyahu is endorsing the basic agreement with America: your give us the tools, and we will finish the job.
Weapons development – much of the modern military tools have been developed in a joint effort between the US and Israel. The amazingly efficient "Iron Dome" defense system, which has saved thousands of lives, is an excellent example of such joint efforts.
Definition of victory – victory in the current conflict is composed of three elements: dismantling the military and organizational ability of Hamas; returning all hostages; rebuilding Gaza demilitarized and deradicalized. Deradicalization is a key factor. It involves education that does not train a new generation of terrorists; a generation that would be willing to live side by side with Israel in peace. This method was used to eradicate Nazi philosophy in post-war Germany, and was highly successful.
Abraham Alliance – a continuation of the Abrahamic accords, building an alliance with Israel and all the surrounding Arabic moderate Suni nations. This is possible; and would involve both economic and security cooperation.
Not Resettlement – Netanyahu stated that the post-war arrangement would not include the resettlement of Israelis (Gush Katif) in Gaza. In this regard Netanyahu is standing against the demands of a small but vocal minority in Israel, who are calling for immediate Israeli settlement and total control.
Post war plan - The ruling entity in Gaza would be controlled by a civil administration, composed of Gazans, Western and moderate Arabic partners, with Israel only maintaining control of the security issues.
Hope for Peace – Netanyahu reiterated the hope for a long period of peace and prosperity for the Middle East, noting the peace and prosperity that resulted in Europe after the culmination of WWII.
"God Bless" – the ending statement was a 3-fold blessing: "God bless America, God bless Israel, and God bless the partnership of Israel and America together". This expresses the mutual heritage and Judeo-Christian values and worldview shared by both.