Pentecost-Shavuot Prayer
It is so simple. It is so profound. It is so earth shaking. It’s so exciting.
Acts 2:17 – “In the end times I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.”
This has not happened yet. It really will happen. It will happen soon.
When does this happen? – In the end times.
What will happen? – God will pour out His Spirit.
Who will it happen to? – All flesh (all nations).
Any individual or congregation can receive the Holy Spirit at anytime. Yet this prophecy will be multiplied, particularly among the younger generation (Acts 2:17-18). It will happen during the events concerning the end times and the tribulation (Acts 2:19-20). It will usher in the Second Coming of Yeshua, the great and terrible day of the Lord (Acts 2:20). It will be accompanied by a massive sweep of evangelism (Acts 2:21).
This is the same kind of revival that the disciples experienced in Acts 2. Yet it is yet to come. It will involve all nations. It happens right before the Second Coming instead of right after the First Coming. It will be accompanied by fire – not just the fire of revival, but also of judgment. The fire of the First Pentecost (Shavuot) launched the gospel and the Church around the world from Israel. The Second Pentecost will bring Yeshua back to Israel and establish the kingdom of God on earth.
Before the outpouring in the first century, the early Messianic believers prayed together in unity all night in anticipation of Shavuot (Acts 1:14; Acts 2:1). In the twenty-first century, it is upon us, the International Body and Israeli Messianic community, to pray together in unity all night, in anticipation of this great end times’ outpouring. As we do the same preparations they did, we will look forward in faith to the same kinds of results; and greater.
Simon Peter’s prophecy was quoting from Joel. Joel went on to mention that the catalyst for the prayer leading to the world-wide revival would be the renewed Messianic Jewish remnant in Israel (Joel 3:1). It will happen parallel to the time that the nations are gathering against the people of Israel and the land of Israel (Joel 3:2). All the conditions are coming into place now as they have never been in history.
Process and Perfection (7×7)
I usually do not teach on biblical numerology, because I prefer to emphasize the person of Yeshua (Jesus) and principles of faith, integrity, and relationships. Leviticus 25 speaks of both counting the Omer and the Jubilee year. It is difficult to avoid the repetition of the number 7. The number 7 throughout the Bible represents a time process and the completion of that process into perfection.
1. Creation – God created the world in 7 days.
2. Sabbath – We are commanded to rest on the 7th day.
3. Omer – There are 7 times 7 weeks from Passover to Pentecost (Shavuot).
4. Sabbatical Year (Sh’mitah) – Each 7 years, debts are forgiven.
5. Jubilee Year – After 7 times 7 years, land is restored and liberty proclaimed.
6. Feast of Trumpets – There are 7 months from the Passover to the Fall Feasts.
7. Millennium – Messiah rules on earth for 1,000 years in the 7th millennium.
Yeshua taught that the kingdom of God comes in stages (Mark 4:26-29). The number 7 teaches us to understand the stages and processes of God. It also shows us that what happens at the end is already planned from the beginning. The rabbis refer to the fact that the Sabbath is the last day of the week as proof of the principle that “What is last to be done is what was first to be planned.” What happens in the 7th stage is the goal of what happened in the 1st stage.
The 7th and final stage also shows us that everything will work out perfectly in the end. The different elements of the different stages do not appear to be connected during the process. Yet at the 7th stage, they all come together.