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The Work of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives

Writer's picture: TGTG

In this week’s Global Broadcast, Asher emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit inside of us; creating, touching our hearts and revealing the very thoughts of God. All of creation speaks to us of who God is and our relationship to Him. His design is so grand on the macro level but is also so personal on the micro level, even down to the smallest detail of our lives.

Through Yeshua, this anointing and presence of the Holy Spirit is available to us! We receive God’s Presence as a dove—gently, in humility—and rise up in His Presence like an eagle—far above, able to see clearly from a distance, with power and strength.

Did you know that in the Hebrew the word for spirit, "ruach," is grammatically feminine?  This speaks of how we, as His Body, are filled with the Holy Spirit, we become His pure, spotless bride. The "Spirit and the Bride" say come!

Listen TODAY as we partner with the Holy Spirit with renewed intention and faith!

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