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Tikkun Global Statement on Allegations against Dr. Michael Brown

Writer: TGTG

Updated: Dec 17, 2024

Dear Friends and Partners:

We as Tikkun have a long history of friendship and cooperation with Dr. Michael Brown. His passion, teaching, preaching, and books have been a great blessing to the Messianic Jewish community and the wider Christian world.

We were grieved by the recent allegations published by The Roys Report. This is a sobering season in the Body, wherein many skeletons--both real and perceived-- seem to be coming out of the closets of prominent leaders. We should all take note of this in humility and the fear of the Lord.

The Importance of Due Process

As we have maintained in our role in the investigation of IHOPKC, the goal is not only to find out exactly what happened, but to implement proper, biblical processes (1 Cor 6:1-6, 1 Tim 5:19). The question of “how was this handled/adjudicated” can be just as important as the question of “what actually happened.”  If there was sin or any kind of abuse on the side of Dr. Brown, was it brought before a legitimate board of elders who have the authority to discipline—including removing him from his leadership roles, at least for a season? Did the church or ministry organization have processes in place that give a voice to those who may have been wounded by leadership?

We are encouraged by Dr. Brown’s board who have shifted towards hiring an investigative team with experience in this field, rather than choosing a law firm—which can tend to err on the side of protecting the name and assets of those who hired it. We encourage the board to continue on this road and ensure that the results of the investigation are handled by mature, impartial leaders.

We can also heartily agree with Dr. Brown’s concluding words in his recent statement: “… if it’s true that for 23 years she (Erin, his “accuser”) has carried this pain and I am responsible for it, I am beyond mortified and would plead forgiveness and the opportunity to bring healing and restoration. Her wellbeing remains our priority.” Amen! May this be true both for Erin and any others who may carry wounding from their time under Dr. Brown’s ministry. 

On Due Process and Social Media

We appreciate the many benefits of social media—especially in giving a voice to those who may have been silenced or shamed by abusive leadership. But we don’t agree with “cancelling” or “trial by social media” as a substitute for biblical process whereby witnesses are heard and the accused are allowed to respond.  

May the Lord help us all to be totally and systematically committed to the full counsel of His Word. By grace, by faith, by transparency, and by having the right structures in place, may He help us to strike the delicate balance between verses like Exodus 23:6, “You shall not pervert the justice due to your needy brother in his dispute;” and 1 Timothy 5:19, “Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses.” 

Ron Cantor’s Involvement

As most of you know, Ron has been the main communicator over the last 6 months on behalf of Tikkun as we facilitate an independent investigation into the allegations of sexual abuse at IHOPKC.  On December 6, Ron made a public statement about his involvement in the situation concerning Dr. Michael Brown. Ron has a long history with Dr. Brown: they were together during the Brownsville Revival and have ministered together in many venues.  Ron also has a personal history with many Brownsville Revival School of Ministry students and FIRE students from that time.

Ron prefaced his post by noting that, “This is a personal statement, not an official statement from Tikkun Global.”  Indeed, Tikkun Global has had no official position or involvement in this case, other than what we have just now posted above. Ron then details his communication with Dr. Brown, the Line of Fire board, and his personal interaction and advocacy for Erin (Dr. Brown’s main accuser) and others who are coming forth to “share their stories.”  Ron’s statement contains much of his own discernment about the details of what happened 23 years ago, the various testimonies, and how it has been handled since then.


1. While Ron is serving as the main Tikkun spokesperson for the IHOP-KC investigation, he has no such role in speaking for us concerning anything to do with Dr. Brown. 

2. In the coming months, as the investigation into IHOP-KC concludes, the main work will shift to a board of trusted elders, under Dan Juster’s leadership, to sift through the results of the investigation and make recommendations to the IHOP-KC leadership.

3. We cannot be involved in every controversy in the Body. We were invited into the IHOP-KC situation by the advocacy group and many others. We have not been similarly invited by Dr. Brown, his board or the alleged victim(s). As stated above, we encourage the Line of Fire board (and any other board or group of leaders in these situations) to follow biblical protocols.

4. Messiah’s Mandate (Ron’s personal ministry) and Shelanu TV (Ron serves as president) are Tikkun affiliated ministries. Tikkun is not a hierarchical denomination, but a network/family of related ministers and ministries.  Outside of clearly sinful behavior, or egregious doctrinal error, Tikkun ministers are free to follow God’s leading and their consciences as they serve this broken world, bringing to it the message, life, and values of the Kingdom of God.

5. If you have any praise, criticism, comments or questions about Ron’s involvement in the Dr. Brown situation, please direct those to him. 

Asher Intrater

Dan Juster

Eitan Shishkoff

Paul Wilbur

Ariel Blumenthal

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