“We became a family.”
“It was a taste of heaven.”
“A real sense of community.”
You may think these descriptions exaggerate, but we’ve heard them so many times that we agree. Coming from as many as 19 nations, spending 9 days together on two buses, those on the Baruch HaBa tour really mean it.
And speaking personally, my own heart is joined to our friends from the nations who literally become part of our lives in a most direct and concentrated way. We pray, worship, learn, laugh, and love as we experience Israel: the land and its people, the history and its places, the Bible and its central Actor – Yeshua Himself.
It is my distinct joy to extend a personal invitation for you to join us from May 5-14, 2020. Based on the tours we’ve taken since our first one in 2005, I can promise that you will be able to:
WALK in a faith adventure that will change your life…
TOUCH Yeshua’s land TODAY – at a pivotal intersection of History
TASTE Israel’s modern spiritual awakening
SEE the words of the Prophets being fulfilled before your eyes
BUILD Lasting Relationships with your Israeli Messianic brothers and sisters in a way that impacts both your home nation AND Israel
INTERCEDE with awareness of the Facts on the Ground
I am eager to show you our vibrant home, and for you to become a part of the story of Israel’s resurrection. Baruch HaBa (Blessed is He who comes…) is not only a biblical quote (Psalm 118:26; Matthew 23:39). It is also the way we greet someone who is arriving from a journey. So, I say to you, friends whom I hope to see in May 2020 – Baruch HaBa! Welcome!