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Writer's pictureAriel Blumenthal

What is the World Really Afraid of?

Tikkun Global

Jerusalem, Israel

Our little country Israel and our little city Jerusalem continue to be a global focus. A lot of news outlets are obsessed with what’s going on in the Promised Land:

“Is Israel going to going to attack here or there? Is Israel going to hold onto this part of Gaza or that? Is there going to be a ceasefire?”

When the Jews and the Jewish state are down, when we’re being abused and beaten up like we were on October 7th; we get a lot of sympathy around the world. But very quickly, as soon as we start fighting and even maybe winning a little bit, the world starts screaming “Stop.” They don’t want the Jews to win. Something about the Jewish State having jurisdiction over territory terrifies them.

It’s a spiritual thing. It’s not rational.

There are wars and refugee problems all over the world on a scale ten times bigger, that nobody cares about. They’re in the news one day; then gone. But what happens HERE makes everybody feel the need to respond.

British commentator Douglas Murray said Israel seems to be the only country in the world which is never allowed to win a war. Look through the conflicts of the last 76 years since Israel gained independence. Whenever Israel starts to really win, the world screams “Stop! Give it back!” This happened in 1967 and 1973, in defensive wars, when the IDF start getting close to Damascus or Cairo and the borders started enlarging and we took over territory.

Historically, when a country wins a war, it often enlarges its borders. You don’t just say, “Oh, we'll go back to the original borders. You guys stay over there and have a nice society, and we’ll stay over here and see you next time!” That’s not what usually happens in history. But that’s what happens here. Have you noticed that Israel has had to return land after each war?

Just the idea that Israel might continue military rule in Gaza for a while terrifies people. But we know who the world is really afraid of. It’s not the Jews, it’s the Jewish King Messiah.

Note that that over 100 years ago at the beginning of the Zionist movement, when Jews started to return in numbers, the tremors began. At that time a document was produced called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” It was fake news telling of a supposed Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. This has been proven to be utter fabricated nonsense, yet it spread around the world and became one of the classic texts used by the Nazis to indoctrinate young people against Jews. Today there’s a renewed obsession with conspiracies of Jewish supremacy. However, we know what the world is really afraid of. It’s not the Jews. It’s the Jewish King Messiah:

“…out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.” (Revelation 19:15)

Revelation 19 and Psalm 2 are among the most important prophecies of the second coming of Yeshua. The world is afraid that He’s coming back to judge and reign as God promised. As the ruler of this world, Satan will do everything in his power to try and stop that from happening. Therefore, his pawns – the nations of the world – are “raging” against God and against His Messiah (Psalm 2).


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