Shavei Tzyon | Return to Zion Congregation
Haifa, Israel

Who are you, Prince of Persia, that you think you can defeat us!
Today we see the principality behind Iran, clearly labeled as Persia in Scripture, attacking Israel from multiple directions together with its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah. But this is not the first time! The Book of Daniel refers to a battle of spiritual powers in the heavenlies involving this same principality. “But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me...” (Daniel 10:13).
God’s angelic powers responsible for Israel are still on duty, and the words from the Torah are still valid: “For the Lord’s PORTION is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance” (Deuteronomy 32:9, my emphasis).
Not All Were Free This Passover
This year leading up to Passover, there were posters in Israel wishing a “Happy Festival of Freedom.” But the words “Happy” and “Freedom” were crossed out. This was an attempt to communicate the pain people feel for the hostages still kept in Hamas dungeon-tunnels, for the soldiers fighting in Gaza’s complex urban warfare, and the tens of thousands of Israeli families evacuated from their homes in the north because of heavy rocket fire from Hezbollah.
For me, this current situation feels similar to the time when I was hospitalized with Covid-19. Even though I knew the virus could kill me, I felt sheltered from fear. I prayed and expected a breakthrough, for God to deliver me from the sickness. So too are the people of Israel today. They are constantly aware of the war forced upon us. Most Israelis are tense, but coping. They are longing for a BREAKTHROUGH. They do not expect American intervention. In their hearts, even if they are not aware of it, they are waiting for Divine intervention. This is part of Israel’s heritage. When things get tough, “I will lift my eyes to the Mountains. From where does my help come? My help is from the LORD…” (Psalm 121:1).
Today Israel Needs to Experience “The Mountain”
“Mountaintop” describes the extraordinary, awe-inspiring, state of experiencing the presence of God. “On this mountain… He will swallow up death forever” (Isaiah 25:7-8). Our people have climbed mountains to meet God before. When we came out of Egypt the mountain was called Sinai. Here, the Lord gave the Israelite tribes His instructions for life. Further back, divine revelation pierced the hearts of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now, the hearts of all who were standing at the foot of the mountain were gripped. God spoke that day from the flame of fire, burning our identity as His people into all the generations to come.
We trust in You, our Lord, and are waiting for You to intervene, to fulfill Isaiah 49:3. “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.” This is the promise of the Messiah. This is the promise given to Israel. This is the promise for everyone who believes in the God of our forefathers through the Messiah. May God break through with signs and wonders in our lives, our families, our cities and throughout the world – for His glory!