A Formal Investigation | Tikkun Global
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A Formal Investigation

Update on the IHOPKC investigation

UPDATE - 10/20/24


Update on IHOPKC Investigation

As promised, we want to continue to update you on the investigation into Clergy/Leader Sexual Abuse allegations at IHOPKC and how these allegations were handled or mishandled by leaders. We have several things to share below.

1. Update on investigation

2. Rachael Denhollander to advise Tikkun

3. Updating Scope to include pre-1999

4. Update on Finances

5. Prayer covering needed

1. Our investigator, Jim Holler, has interviewed over 60 brave individuals who came forward as of last weekend. These have been on Zoom, phone calls, email, and in-person—at the interviewee’s request. Our team and the Firefly team understand that this is a difficult process for many, and it is the joint desire of Tikkun Global and Firefly that multiple avenues of communication are made available so that individuals may participate in the manner they feel safest to engage.  

While Jim and his team engage directly with interviewees, no one’s identity is shared outside of his team without written permission. That means even we at Tikkun Global, will not have that information without the expressed consent of the person interviewed, a protection guaranteed in our contract with Firefly.

We are greatly encouraged that people are sharing their experiences; we recognize that trust is a process and must be earned. We know this is a difficult step for many, and we applaud your courage. For those not ready to take this step, please know we understand this as well, and you likewise have our support. If you have a story to share, please call Firefly Investigations at 1-717-752-4219 or use their online confidential survey: https://www.fireflyisai.com/ihopkc.

2. We are honored to bring on Rachael Denhollander as a communications and educational consultant. While Rachael is an accomplished attorney and advocate, she will be primarily advising us on our public disclosures and educational journey because of her experience in this field and her vast familiarity with the survivor community. She is a trusted voice. Individuals who feel they need additional information before engaging with Firefly are welcome to reach out to her at rachaeljdenhollander@gmail.com.

3. Over the past two weeks, we have had the opportunity to engage with survivors and advocates who have reached out to us, as well as Rachael, to continue assessing the scope of the investigation we’ve commissioned. Through those conversations, we recognized that the 1999-time frame of the scope excluded reporters (of alleged sexual abuse and mishandling) whose stories are relevant but took place earlier.

Our intent with the initial 1999 date was not to minimize those older stories but to ensure we did not overwhelm the investigative team and began with the years when IHOPKC existed in its current form. However, discussions over the past few weeks have led us to understand that questions of ministerial fitness concerning events before IHOPKC’s official formation are intensely relevant to this investigation and feasible for our skilled team to investigate. After receiving confirmation from Firefly that they have capacity to expand the scope, we voted unanimously to remove the clause in our scope that limits the investigation to accusations after IHOPKC was formed in 1999.

If you have information regarding any allegations or if you are a victim of actions of sexual abuse or misconduct before 1999, please do not hesitate to contact Jim Holler at 1-717-752-4219 or through the survey: https://www.fireflyisai.com/ihopkc.

5. If you believe in this project, we invite you to join us financially by clicking here. Tikkun has committed to the $100,000 cost of this investigation. So far, we have received $11,804 in gifts and have given $10,000 ourselves, for a total of $21,804. We still need just under $80,000. We purposely did not establish this on our own website but are using the National Christian Fund to avoid any appearances of a conflict. There will be a full accounting of how funds were used at the end of the process.

6. Finally, may we request prayer covering for our entire team: Rachel and her family, Jim and his associates and their families, and those of us at Tikkun and our families. As you have grace, please take time daily to pray for this effort and over our families. Thank you so much.

We will share more information as needed in the coming weeks.

On behalf of Tikkun Global,

Asher Intrater
Dan Juster
Melva Phelps
Richard Cleary
Ron Cantor

A tax-deductible receipt (for US donors) will be issued by NCF.

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